Institution Details

Government Polytechnic, Nabarangpur

This is a Government of Odisha Institutes located at the Nabarangpur City, This Institution comes under the administration control of the Directorate of Technical Education & Training, Odisha, Killamaidan Cuttack-1 under the SD&TE Department, Govt of Odisha.

  • Address: At- Tirli Ambaguda,PO- Agnipur, Dist- Nabarangpur, Odisha-764059
  • Email:
  • Website:

Our Principal Details

  • Name: Sri Deepak Kumar Choudhury
  • Designation : Principal
  • Email:
  • Address : At- Tirli Ambaguda,PO- Agnipur, Dist- Nabarangpur, Odisha-764059
  • Website:

Affiliating University

State Council of Technical Education & Vocational training (SCTE&VT), Odisha, Nabarangpur is the affiliating Body. The office of the SCTE&VT is located at the below following details.

  • Address: At- Tirli Ambaguda,PO- Agnipur, Dist- Nabarangpur, Odisha-764059
  • Email:
  • Website: